Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back in Santa Cruz

Well its been a long time since I've posted to this thing so I figured I'd give it another shot. I have been living in Santa Cruz since September of last year and well into the winter quarter of school. This time around I have three intriguing classes that interestingly all manage to relate to each other. One of the greatest joys in my public education is the realization that so much of what I learn is interconnected with everything else. Unfortunately I only figured this out recently in my short yet wonderful life so far.

The classes I am now taking are Japanese sociolinguistics, world societies, and ways of waying. Out of the three ways of knowing has turned out to be the most interesting. It is unlike any class I have ever taken before because it does not specifically fall into one discipline of study. This presents problems when people ask me what department its in. They've already been conditioned to explicitly seperate their education into to different categories. From a young age people learn to seperate everything into different types and compartmentalize their lives.

Ways of knowing is a class about understanding the world we live in. Although we all have varied and complex brains capable of amazing feats, Western society greatly favors the left brain over the right. The right brain is our analyzer. It deals with mathematics, details, storytelling, rational thought, logic, reasoning, and verbal language. The right side is much more abstract, focusing on the big picture, art, irrational thought, emotions, and body language. This obvious when you look at different types of jobs and the amount of pay received. A scientist will almost always make much more money than the humble artist. Additionally, the emphasis placed on sight is incredible. The other senses are shunned in favor of vision which we have grown to be so dependant on. Those who lose their sight often realize how much stuff going on they missed because they were always so engrossed in their sight.

This is not to say that we should neglect the left brain in favor of the right for both sides are equally important. The left brain allows us to understand ourselves as indivuals, without it we forget were we end and everything else begins. During a class discussion it was decided that people cannot delve to deeply into the right brain because they lose their ability to function as a member of society. One student suggested if everyone was tuned into the right brain entirely and we all functioned on a higher level, living in the spiritual and energetic realm we could function as a society, but in a different way. I disagree, because to exist solely as a spiritual being of swirling energy inevitably leads to disposal of a physical body. At this point there is no reason to continue living within your body, because all your physical senses and physical knowledge cease to be of any use. Therefore we would all die as a result of this physical liberation.

On the other hand, many people are so far removed from their right brain due to the propaganda of society unconditionally swallowed throughout life. Over time we have become so disconnected from this other part of ourselves that profound right brain experiences become greatly sought after, yet upon reaching these point a deep-rooted fear emerges as people begin to forget who they are.

Thanks to youtube I have viewed two interesting videos this month. I will present these to you.

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